Monday, July 19, 2010



"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson

I am back. After two enteries, I took a prolong hiatus. Somewhere deep inside of me was an angry person that would not let me succeed. Somewhere in the bottomless pit called a soul, a purille jealous monster craved my potential prosperity. I just could not succeed, until I heard the voice within.

I steadily became me again. I used to be a straight A's student. I faltered but I finally picked myself up again which leads me have found my next theme for the week.


Tonight's film is the spectacular The Pursuit of Happyness by the wonderful two time Academy Award nominee Will Smith and his gifted son Jaden.

The Pursuit of Happyness is the inspirational story of Chris Gardner, a genius, who in 1981, gambled his life savings to invest on a Bone Density scanner. Unfortunately is family was shattered and his wife left his son and him in complete destitude.

Chris believed in the quote: "Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness," a famous quote written by Thomas Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence. The powerful triparite motto motivated him to pursue his happyness and dug his family out of the hell he created. It was a beautiful, optimistisc look on determination. At ttimes, it was saturated but the meaning of hope still lied in the words of Chris and his son.

Will Smith and his son, Jaden

Will and Jaden were the powerful protagonist of the film. From the delivery and pathos of the young Jaden, it is clear he has inherited the wonderous talent Will possess. Like the father, Jaden is charasmatic and magnetic. His beautiful eyes express the many intricacies that his character needed. It is safe to say Jaden has never been poor and he will never be poor. His father's global box office is $5,771,022,176. The elder Smith gets $20 million dollars plus 20% of backend for almost every film. He is the most bankable star in the world so chances of his son knowing anything about poverty is none. Yet, even with all the money, just like his father, Jaden delievered an earnest depiction of a child coming to terms with his temporary poverty. He assess the situation like a young man. His connection was nothing short than a discovery of a child's untapped talent.
The Pursuit of Happyness will make you cry. It will make leap out of your seat and praise the Heaven's that we all have angels guiding us through the hardships. Through the path of poverty, they found out the only person worth fighting for is each other.
"Keep your dreams alive. Understand to achieve anything requires faith and belief in yourself, vision, hard work, determination, and dedication. Remember all things are possible for those who believe.” Gail Devers, three-time Olympic winner.

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