Thursday, August 26, 2010




Marion Cotillard- The Shade; Leonardo Dicaprio- The Extractor

Tom Hardy- The Forger; Ellen Page- The Architect

Joseph Gordon-Levitt- The Point Man; Ken Watanabe- The Tourist

Cillian Murphy- The Mark

Inception is a deeply profound cinematic masterpiece. Christopher Nolan has not failed us. The wizardry in this movie is unlike any movie experience I have encountered. I'm beginning to think we must abide by a need creed; In Nolan We Trust.

Inception is one of the most original endeavors ever to make a splash in the box office. We gripe when a beloved film is remade and justified it with "nothing is original." Nolan takes that idea and like Inception, he goes inside our minds and implants us the idea to make us believe we were the authors of that new idea.

The film talks about exploiting one of the most private possessions a human possess, a dream. Dreams are the visions that lie inside our subconscious. In our dreams, we create levels of alternate realities where we can create new lives very different from our reality. But when the dreams takes a life of its own, the line between reality and dreams are blurred.

An Inception is when you go inside someone else's dream and implant them  with an idea. The person can take that idea and use it as their own. The Dreamer is the Architect. He creates the blueprints of what we see. The Subject is the person of interest in the dream. Everyone else are projections.

Dreams are mysteries. Everyone has dreams. I should know. I dream about people I have never met. I know so much about a person because of my dreams. Through dreams, a person can travel to mysteriums they've never visited before.

Inception changed my life. I have never seen a film were I felt so in tune with the characters. For years now, I have felt this eternal struggle with the visions I see at night. I hate going to sleep because the man is waiting for me. I've become an insomniac because the subject is taking dominance over my life. With Inception, not only are dreams are real but they serve has a common thread who are in sync with your mind. Dreams can be horrifying when you realize someone else knows your thoughts.

We can debate the truth about Inception. Does Cobb dies? Is he in limbo or in the reality? Who's to say the world we know is real. For all intensive purposes we might be awake only when we're dreaming. Sometimes I believe that's true. I'm happy when I sleep, even though the constant presence of the man who will remain nameless lingers on. His is like my Mal before the inception was planted on her. Inception is one of those movies where it is up to you to solve the maze for yourself. I cannot do it. I have my theories.

I believe Cobb's totem was his wedding ring. He only wears his ring when he's dreaming. With Mal, his ring is present but when he's in the real world, his ring is off his finger. In the final scene, Cobb does not wear his ominous ring, therefore, proving my point that Cobb is really seeing his children for the first time since Mal's death. Then there's the toppel. I believe the toppel was close to fall before the credits roll around. But this ending is subjective and what's my idea might not be yours.

In the end, dreams are powerful because everyone dreams. Dreams are unavoidable. I wish I can never dream. I have had dreams were the events have come true. I have predicted things I should not know. I have learned things about people that I have wished I've never known. Some say I'm clairvoyant. I do not care but I do believe in inceptions. People come to strangers in their dreams to solve the ties between them. Dreams reveals bonds between the unknown and the subject.

"You create the world of the dream. We bring the subject into that dream and fill it with their subconscious."